My parish, Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR), is an Italian National Parish in San Diego's Little Italy neighborhood and as such holds many traditional Italian Catholic saint feast day Masses and events. Sadly, they were all postponed or celebrated via video with only a few select in person attendees due to the covid lockdowns. In March, of course, there is St. Joseph's Day, La Festa di San Giuseppe, which was celebrated by my parish on March 17th. This year OLR did not hold a traditional Mass and luncheon fundraiser for it, but instead posted an article about it on their website and in their bulletin that you can view here. Today, however, I want to share what a "normal" St. Joseph's Day Mass looks like so you can enjoy it and, if you're ever in Southern California, once we able to travel and do more, you might consider attending one.

I am not a professional videographer, but you may still enjoy the cell phone video below of parts of the 2019 St. Joseph's Day Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary, San Diego. This is a short clip of the opening procession. You can view the full video here.
There are more photos here. And you can read about St. Joseph's Day here.
Our Lady of the Rosary is located at 1629 Columbia St. San Diego, CA 92101
Email: parish@olrsd.org
Phone: 619-234-4820
Web: OLRSD.org
Grazie! Auguri!
This is a wonderful post, Christopher!! Thank you!!!